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Concerned at the sorry state of affairs at the Alwal Railway station, a landmark within its own right by virtue of serving Alwal, Old Alwal, Venkatapuram, Army Sub Area, Suchitra, and few more nearby areas nearby, and being one of the major stations between Secunderabad and Medchal station, local residents sensitise Railways Authorities on the sorry state of Alwal Station and requested them to take immediate corrective actions.
Representatives of the Greater Alwal Allied Service Association (GAAS), recently met Mr. Arun Jain the Divisional Railway Manager, to highlight the dismal state of the railway station which was inspected by the Executive Committee on February 10th.
Mr. P V Sai Prasad, Addl Divisional Railway Manager, Mr. Motilal Naik, Senior Divisional Engineer (Co-ordination), and Mr. N Srinivasa Raju, Addl Divisional Railway Manager (Operations) participated in the meeting.
The GAAS delegation comprised of Dr. G V Rao, Gen Sec, Mr. Santokh Singh, President, Mr Ramchandraiah, Addl Gen Sec, Sri K Srinivas Verma and K V Solomon, Executive Members and Mr Rajesham, Jt Secretary.
The highlights of the representation were the following:
- Alwal Railway station is in a pretty dismal stage as found by the Executive Committee of GAASA on 10.02.2018.
- Requested them to protect the Railway land with concrete wall with gates and post Railway Police to guard the property round the clock.
- It is also requested that washrooms on lines of Pay and Use be setup for the users on both the platforms. The water tank which is missing is also to be restored.
- The road leading to Railway Station from Rajiv Rahadari be restored back by removing the encroachments which have come up on the road. Further other encroachments like a temporary road on the Western side of the Railway property be closed and a well-entrenched gate be set up.
- It is also suggested that the concerned officials of Rythu Bazaar be contacted and told in strict terms to close their illegal entrances onto the Railway Land on the Eastern Side of the Railway Station. Presently, the rotten vegetables and fruits are dumped carelessly on the Railway Land and allowed to rot leading to scavenging by stray animals like pigs. 6. It is also suggested that individual private houses on the western side of the Railway Station have opened their entrances onto the Railway land and that suitable action be taken to close them.7. Further, it was requested to take immediate action as it has been announced by SCR that Alwal Railway Station will be connected with MMTS services shortly.
The DRM appreciated GAASA for bringing the issue to his notice and deployed his field staff immediately to visit the station and take stock of the situation. Further he assured that a compound wall would be put up to protect it from land grabbers. Earlier, Mr. Senthil Kumaresan, Divisional Security Commissioner also promised GAASA team that he and his team would look into the security aspects.
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CORWA congratulated Sri Rajeev Chandrasekar, MP for getting nominated to Rajya Sabha, in view of his support to RERA bill, to martyred army families and to Nammabengaluru, Bengaluru.
Gated Communities
- Bangaluru: Reesidents who live in apartment blocks spread across several acres at Banglore find it very convenient to reach outer gate of their complex by using shared bikes to peddle. Phones are used to unlock one of the many bicycles to peddle to the gate where the cycle is left. This practice is very convenient and pollution-free and worth emulating by all the residents living in gated communities. This can be implemented in the large campuses like the universities and big colleges which will be of great convenience to the students and faculty.
- Hyderabad: My Gate App is a new security app very useful to the gated communities. When the in-coming and out-going movements are huge, it is difficult to monitor with the existing CC TVs. Whenever someone knocks at your door, photo of such person can be sent at once. This My Gate App is providing their services for the past several years in Hyderabad.
Honours & Awards
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Telangana Kala Parishath honoured Sri G.V.Ramana Raju with "Vishista Seva Ratna" Jaatiya Ugadi Puraskaram at Ravindrabarathi, Hyderabad. The award was presenterd by Dr. Nandini Siddha Reddy , Chairman Telangana Sahitya Academy.
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Congratulations to all teachers... Supreme Court has approved this logo to be put on your car.... Just like doctors and lawyers.[/caption]