On the occasion of the World Elder Abuse Awareness Day, the ECI Foundation proposes to organise a three day event titled “Elders Mela” from 15-17 June 2018 at A.V. College, Hyderabad, Telangana. The main objectives of this fair are to highlight the important contributions that older people make to the society and to raise awareness of their joys and challenges of aging in today’s world. We also want to make the senior citizens feel secure, confident and valued and can live with dignity. It is committed to change the way the people look at ageing in India. It endeavors to enable senior citizens to lead active lives through easy access to trusted information, opportunities for productive ageing and social support services.
The event will constitute of Inaugural on 15th June and felicitation sessions from 15-17; Discussion Forums (15-17 June); Lifestyle Zone(15-17 June); Welfare and Services Zone (15-17 June); Sports and activities; Cultural Programmes. Profile of the expected visitors: Elderly people (those above 50 years); their parents, spouses, children and grandchildren; Subject matter experts on topics of interests to elderly; Voluntary and Advocacy Organisations; Care Givers; Business and Industry; Government Agencies; Social and Human Services Agencies; Retirement Communities; Long term Care facilities; and Agencies serving the Elderly.
Contact: Elders Clubs International Foundation, H.no.1-8-B48/F7, LIG, Baghlingampally, Near Sundariah Park, Hyderabad- 44, Ph: 040-6521 6600, Mob:8309634283, Email;- eldersclubs@yahoo.com, eldersclubs@gmail.com, Websites: www.ecifoundation.org
Mandadi Krishna Reddy, Organiser