Swachhtha Hi Seva
As part of the 150th Birthday Celebrations of the Father of Nation “Jathipitha Mahatma Gandhi” and as part of the “Swachhtha Hi Seva” Program initiated by our beloved Prime Minister Sri Narendra Modiji, and being implemented rigorously by the Govt. of Andhra Pradesh, a massive Swachha Bharat program was organised on Sunday, 30, September, 2018 in JR Nagar, Ward No.9, Zone II of Visakhapatnam.
Before start of the cleaning operations, the participants took Swachh Bharat Pledge. Thereafter for nearly 3 hours from 6.30 to 9.30 AM, all the roads, road side canals, vacant places were cleaned. Trees in the colony were pruned. Debris, particularly the plastic bags, bottles, rotten leaves were removed from the remote places, in this process. Speaking on the occasion Dr.KSR Murthy, President, JR Nagar RWA assured that the swatch Bharat programs will be frequently carried out in the colony.
Awareness on plastic menace
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Kirlampudi RWA (KRWA) in association with CiTizen, a CSR arm of Fluentgrid organised an Awareness program on the menace of plastic and called for a “Plastic Free “society. Dr. Usha Gajapathi Raju, explained the audience the method of identifying dry and wet waste and also called for alternatives for plastic in our daily routines. The program organised on Sunday, 30th September, in the premises of Sripal Towers was coordinated by Sri Uday Shirname, President of KRWA who along with the school children of Pollock School also explained the residents the serious consequences that can result by dumping the plastic in to our environment.
Tirumala Nagar RWA, Gajuwaka receives “Best RWA Award” from Chief Minister, A.P. under “Swachh Andhra -2018”
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Tirumala Nagar RWA, Gajuwaka of Zone 5 Visakhapatbnam received Best RWA Award from the Hon’ble Chief Minister of Andhra Pradesh, Sri N.Chandrababu Naidu on Gandhi Jayanthi Day, 2nd October 2018. This is part of the Swatchh Andhra Awards announced by the Govt. of A.P.
ASCI, Hyderabad and Port Trust organise Awareness Workshop for RWAs of APFERWAS on 12th October, 2018

About 50 members representing the RWAs from the 6 zones of Visakhapatnam participated in this Day-long Workshop, which was inaugurated by Sri P.L.Harnath, Deputy Chairman, Port Trust of
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Visakhapatnam at the Visakhapatnam Public Library, Dwaraka Nagar, Visakhapatnam. Prof. G.Bala Subrahmanyam, ASCI, Hyderabad was the course coordinator. Sri Uday Shirname, President, Dr.KSR Murthy, Vice President, Sri AV Ramana Rao and Sri M Durga Prasad from APFERWAS-Visakhapatnam Chapter, coordinated in pooling up participants from different RWAs of Visakhapatnam.
The lectures from the experts covered such versatile topics for RWAs, as Solid Waste Management, Rain Water Harvesting and Roof-top Solar Energy.