Ennikala Nigha Vedika Makes it Mark
The Ennikala Nigha Vedika (ENV) has been active and
proactive whenever Elections are held at State or local level. As usual, the
ENV called for a meeting of all the civil society organisations immediately
after the issue of notifications for Assembly Elections- 2018. About thirty
civil society organisations, some with their units in the districts were
Thereafter, meetings were held in the premises of
UFERWAS and in the Forum for Good Governance to discuss the modalities to be
followed by all the autonomous district units. Another meeting was held in the
Somajiguda Press Club where the C.E.O Dr. Rajat Kumar and Sri. K.Padmanabaiah,
former Secretary to GOI also participated. Many doubts were gracefully
clarified by the C.E.O. to the members of all the district units. An Oath was
also administered to all the members present to the effect that absolute
neutrality would be the first norm and no donations would be solicited from
With the announcement of the Election Schedule,
detailed guidelines were given to all the district units about the manner in
which the Election Watch was to be conducted. Accordingly, the volunteers at
State and District levels started the awareness campaign right earnest with
some of the prominent state level members going round to all the major
districts, especially certain identified low-polling areas, to support the
district members in their campaign for increasing the poll percentage and
decreasing the role of money, liquor and caste. They had taken a commitment to
see that the percentage of polling in Urban Hyderabad to 65%. ENV Identity cards were distributed to all
the members and ENV banners were also distributed. Most of the District
Electoral Officers were very cooperative to facilitate the work of the ENV
enthusiasts by providing EVM machines for demonstration, vehicles to visit the
constituencies and pamphlets for distribution, etc. Some of the senior citizens
were appointed as Assistant Booth Level Officers. They helped to make special arrangements for
the elderly and the Handicapped persons to go and vote. A vigorous campaign was
carried out through social media the night before to remind the residents to go
and vote on the following day.

II. At the State level, certain exemplary activities
were undertaken by the civil society organisations. A model Residents’
Manifesto was prepared by the Resident Welfare Associations (UFERWAS) and by
Senior Citizens Associations (AASARA), and Peoples’ Manifesto by the Women’s
SHGs and NGOs for Elections – 2018. The
Forum for Good Governance had released statements, on two occasions showing the
percentage of the candidates with criminal background, as well those of the
elected, entirely on the basis of their own affidavits. Magazines published by the NGOs like Tarnaka
Times, Janabalam, Aalochana carried news and views about the elections.
At the end of the elections, yet another meeting in
the Press Club, Somajiguda was held to review and evaluate all the campaign
activities undertaken both by the state level and district level members. A uniform format of 12 columns was furnished
to all members for providing reports along with supporting evidence.
III. A brief
inventory of significant activities, among others
1. Gadwal: Among other activities, a Common Platform
of the candidates in a constituency was held to give an opportunity to the
candidates to introduce themselves to their voters and also the opportunity to
the residents to question them.
2. Hyderabad:
182 awareness programmes were conducted. Special campaign was mobilized
for increasing the percentage of polling.
3. Jagityal:
A number of pamphlets were distributed for awareness.
4. Jangaon: Produced a well –thought out Peoples’
5. Karimnagar: Held Common Platform for all the
contesting candidates, as well as produced pamphlets which were supplied to
other district units also.
6. Khammam: Five low-polling areas are visited for increasing the voting
7. Mahabubnagar: Many rallies were held here for
discouraging the role of money and liquor. A very good model report was submitted which is
worth being emulated by others.
8. Medchel: Extremely vigilant campaign was
conducted by reporting many violations of poll code. Another exemplary activity
undertaken by the senior citizen associations’ members was to assist the
physically challenged voters in escorting them to the polling booth to enable
them to cast their vote.
9. Nalgonda:
Nalgonda unit lead a very unique movement on barring drunken voters and even
addressed a serious letter to the Hon’ble Chief Justice requesting to accept it
as a sue-motto writ petition.
10. Nizamabad: Produced a very thought provoking
pamphlet on the dire need to choose a good leader with focus on ‘NOTA’ button
11. Rajanna Sircilla: A very good campaign involving
children to motivate parents to and vote without fail was conducted.
12. Warangal:
This unit went a step ahead in requesting the CEO to pass certain
instructions in the direction of environmental protection regarding the misuse
of the loudspeakers and crackers which might result in the great discomfort to
the residents.
13. Yadadri- Bhuvanagiri: Two good books were
published with the help of ‘Aalochana’ and distributed. Their vigilant campaign
resulted in the seizure of a vehicle.
The evidence in the form of press reports, photos of
various programmes successfully conducted by both at state level and district
level are annexed in Part III of this review report.
By V. Sai Prasad Sastry,
IRS, Retd. 25 & Photo-26