About Us

The Newsletter 
The Tarnaka Times is the monthly newsletter of the The Standing Committee of Tarnaka Residents’ Welfare Associations (SCOWTRA), which is a conglomeration of 18 Resident Welfare Associations (RWA)s.
The Tarnaka Times is a collaborative effort of the SCOWTRA, the United federation of RWAs (UFERWAS), the International Foundation for Human Development (IFHD), and the Forum for Senior Citizens.
Since 2001 the SCOTRWA has been addressing community level issues through citizen participation and has emerged as a trendsetter in urban self-management in the city of Hyderabad under the stewardship of its Founding President Dr. Rao V B J Chelikani.
Even though its immediate sphere of operations is within the geographical area of the 100th Ward of the Greater Hyderabad Municipal Corporation (GHMC) and neighbouring colonies, the SCOWTRA’s is global in outlook and concerns itself with all issue of Civil Society.
In a unique initiative towards better community communication, the SCOWTRA has been publishing the monthly newsletter Tarnaka Times in print since the year 2000 covering news and developments not just in and around Tarnaka and RWAs from across the country including New Delhi and Mumbai. So much so, it is today recognised as a unique and path-breaking experiment in community messaging.
Since January 2017 Tarnaka Times has been available in its web format at www.tarnakatimes.com apart from a presence on social media through Facebook and Twitter at www.twitter.com/TarnakaTimes 
All digital formats are managed independently by a team of seasoned journalists and editorial specialists. 


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