Dr.Rao VBJ Chelikani The Global Risks Report presented before the World Economic Forum at Davos-25 identifies the state-based armed conflict as one of the five risks that require immediate attention. The realpolitik approach of conducting diplomatic or political negotiations with other states is based traditionally on the assumption that each state should pursue "strategic autonomy" to satisfy its own national interests exclusively. That was how marriages were arranged among the royal families in the past. No wonder, the current PO…
Dr.Rao VBJ Chelikani l. Precedents: Between the First and Second World Wars, the League of Nations, albeit in an informal manner, consulted regularly with non-governmental organizations working in the economic and social fields. During those consultations, a leading role was played by the International institute for Intellectual Cooperation, a precursor of UNESCO. The foundational vision of the United Nations was subscribed and drafted mostly by the elite thinkers and scientists of the civil society like Eleanor Roosevelt, Rene Cas…
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