Welcoming the gathering at the meeting which was was held on 22-4-2018 at the Tarnaka Welfare Association Community Hall, the outgoing President Sri V Nageshwar Rao highlighted the issues facing senior citizens. The meeting was presided by Sri. V. Nageshwar Rao and Prof. T. Tirupati Rao.
Prof. T. Tirupati Rao suggested the activities of the Forum be expanded further to include new initiatives.
GRS Prasad Rao, General Secretary explained in detail about the various activities undertaken during the last two years. Sri.S.L. Guru Raja, Vice-President read out the financial statement showing the income and expenditure, which was approved by the body.
Sri. B. OmPrakash thanked the out going body for having done excellent work including providing shelter to the Trinity Orphanage homes, L.B. Nagar. Dr. V. Peesapati suggested for more participation of Ladies.
For the year 2018-2020 a new body was elected with following members:
- Advisors : Dr. GVSRK Somayajulu , Dr. V. Peesapati & Prof. T. Tirupati Rao.
- President: Sri. S L Gururaja,
- Vice-Presidents: Sri.YRK Parmahamsa & Sri. GRS Prasad Rao,
- Secretary: Sri.B Om Prakash,
- Joint Secretary: Smt. B Sujatamma,
- Organising Secretaries: Day Care Center- Sri. N Satyanarayana, Sports - Sri. Jonnalagada Satya Narayana , Cultural- Dr Amita Rani & Health –Lion N. Raghu Ram Reddy.
- Treasurer: Sri. Chaganti Murthy,
- Internal Auditors: Sri.K Damodar & Sri.DSN Murthy.
- EC Members: Mrs. Jayanti Menon, Mrs. Padmani Chandra Shekaran , Sri. Sachikant Roy, Sri.Y Vinayak Rao, Sri. R N Rao, Lion. V. Chinnaiah, Sri. Annaji Rao. M & Dr Sivaji V.
By B. Om Prakash.
Kodad, Suryapet District Senior Citizens Welfare Association
Divisional level meeting of all 7 mandals of Kodad , Ananthagiri, Cintala palem, Chilkuru, Mella Cheruvu, Munagala and Nandigudem was held on 6-4-2018 at Kodad. Sri. Ravella Seetharamaiah President Suryapet district and executive member of AISCCON explained in detail the deliberations of State level workshop held in Hyderabad and proposed to organise in villages, Thandas , and Mandals of the District with the cooperation of departmental officers and social service organisations. He appealed to the members to extend help to the old age and deserving, global age watch society was also explained by Sri. R.Seethramaiah. The meeting concluded by reciting a poem written and sung by Sri. Jaan Shareef.
By R.Seetharamaiah,
Pattana Senior Citizens Forum, Mahabubnagar
A Free Eye Camp is held in Mahabub nagar where eye testing was carried out for 105 citizens. In the camp, the eye surgeon and consultant of Hyderabad Global Eye Hospital has rendered services and operated upon 10 people. In the above camp Sri. S. Jagapathi Rao, President, Citizens Forum and Sri. Sailu Goud, President Pensioners Forum have participated along with other executive members.
By N.Nagabhushanam
Senior Citizens Forum , Subash Nagar, Nizamabad
On 2.4.18, the birth day celebrations of those senior citizens who are born in the month of April took place. Sri. K. Kishan Reddy, Retd, SE from State Electricity Board cut the cake and was felicitated.
On 14.04.18, the 127th birth anniversary of Dr.Ambedkar was celebrated by the Association members.
On 16-04-18, food packets containing ‘pulihora’ were distributed to those people who came to meet the district collector from far off places in large numbers to lodge their grievances in ‘Praja Vani’
Sri. T. Bhoomanna has participated in a state level meeting on 28.03.18 of the Dist Social Welfare Officers for Women, Child, Disabled and Senior Citizens, which is held in the Centre for Economic and Social Studies, Ameerpet, Hyderabad. The meeting was chaired by the Director Smt. Shailaja and Sri. Jagdeeshwar, Principal Secretary was the chief guest. All dist social welfare officers of Telangana State and representatives of senior citizens organisations have attended the meeting.
By T. Boomanna
PNR Trust the Senior Citizens Association in Kukatpally
The Trust Chairman Sri,. P. Nagi Reddy in cooperation with R.A. CamPharma has conducted a free eye camp, where in 75 patients have been given spectacles free. The Secretary of Senior Citizens Sri. Koteshwara Rao, the Company’s representative Sri.Mani kumar and other members of the Trust have participated actively in conducting the eye camp successfully.
By P.Nagi Reddy
Elders Mela Meeting at Vijayapuri, Tarnaka, Hyderabad
Khammam Senior Citizens Welfare Association - Ugadi Celebrations
Nalgonda Multipurpose Awareness Programme
The Multipurpose Awareness Society Hyderabad on 30/3/18 has presented the awards for the best social service organizers.
Tanuku Senior Citizens Welfare Association
Monthly meeting was conducted on 28/3/18 at their office, presided over by Sri. G. Keseswar Rao, President of the Association. He introduced the seven new members who joined in Feb. last and announced the donations given by Help Age India: Rs. 10,000/-, by Sri. K.V.P.Anjaneya Reddy garu: Rs.6,000/- and by Dr.S.V. Venkata Raju garu: Rs.5,000/- towards medicines. 37 members were greeted on their birthday in March. The meeting was concluded with National Anthem.
The Association celebrated World Health Day on 7th April and conducted free blood test for all the members who attended the Programme. Dr. N. Achyuta Ramayya, the chief guest has given a brief lecture on diet for senior citizens and cares to be taken for their well being
They celebrated Dr. Ambedkar’s 127th Jayanthi at their office building on 14th April, presided over by their President Sri. G. Keseswara Rao, attended by Sri. V. Soma Sundaram as chief guest and other dignitaries of the Association.
Visit by VIPs: A team of VIPs including Tanuku MLA, Hon’ble Sri. A. Radha Krsihna, Municipal Corporation Chairman, Sri. P. Venkateswara Rao, Ex-MLA, Sri.Y.T. Raja and Sri.K.V. Nageshwara Rao, Municipal Vice-Chairman, Sri. Sri.M.Venkata Ratnam, ZPTC Member Sri.A.Bulidora Raju, local TDP president Sri.K.V. Krishna and other VIPs in Tanuku visited the Association’s office to know various programmes being conducted and the functioning of the Physiotherapy centre. They have appreciated and applauded the association members and their President for their selfless and yeoman public service. They have also expressed their satisfaction for their activities and services rendered to poor people including free physiotherapy treatment to paralytic and immovable patients.
Medical Camps: As usual, the association conducted free mobile medical camps in and around Tanuku on 18/3,25/03, 01/04 and on 08/04 and examined 160 patients in all and also distributed medicines to the poor and needy. Their medical team-Dr.Ahmed Hussain, Dr.V.Venkata Raju and Dr.V.Satyanaryana Raju followed by their president and others conducted the camps.
By G. Keseswara Rao, President
Senior Citizens Association, Aakiveedu, West Godavari
1.D.V.R. Ramana Murthy with Joint Collector
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On 18.4.2018 District level senior citizens meeting with officers of differently abled and senior citizens department.
Proceedings of the District Collector (WD&SC) Hyderabad
To promote the well being of the Senior Citizens through National Policy on Older Persons ( NPOP) and the Maintenance and Welfare of Parents and Senior citizens Act, 2007, the District Collector (WD&SC),. Hyderabad formed on 12.04.2018, a District Committee of Senior Citizens for Hyderabad district to advise on effective and coordinated implementation of the Act, at the District Level and to perform such other functions in relation to the senior citizens under the chairmanship of the Dist. Collector and 9 other Govt. officers and three members from the senior citizens: Sri.D. Parthasarathi, President of Hyderabad Dist. Unit of Telangana All Senior Citizens Association, Smt. Bhaskara Sujathamma, Federation of Senior Citizens Organisation, Telangana, FESCO, Sri. P. Narsimha Goud, Ex-President, Senior Citizens Council, S.R. Nagar, Hyderabad.
The District Committee shall meet once in every three months and review the welfare programmes for senior citizens as well as the pending cases of the senior citizens under the Maintenance Act.
Maintenance and Welfare of Parents and Senior Citizens, Act 2007.
The GOI is bringing a draft bill to amend the Maintenance and Welfare of Parents and Senior Citizens, Act 2007. The proposed bill appears to be progressive and will further help to strengthen the cause of parents and senior citizens. The proposed amendments are also taking good care of old age homes amongst others.
Our office invites further proposals for amendment so that they can be consolidated and sent to MoSJE.
By Bala Swamy
Senior Citizen's Welfare Forum, Bagh Amberpet, Hyderabad
Registered in 2003, the main objective of the Forum is to mobilise senior citizens and work for their welfare and betterment and promote quality of life. After mobilizing five hundred members, we have seen the potential for catering to about 5000 families, including middle class, upper middle class and BPL class of families. Geographically speaking, we cater to people in adjoining areas like Nallakunta, Ramanthapur, Tilaknagar, DD Colony, Vidyanagar Central Excise Colony, Indraprastha Colony and a few in other areas.
We provide infrastructure and space to conduct medical camps, cultural meets, poor feeding, free distribution of clothes to the poor and the downtrodden, seminars on various topics. We can cater to about twenty five thousand families. We can design and implement outreach programs. We have been undertaking Computer Awareness Classes, free medical consultation, Health lectures, Audiology camp, Preventive health care, Yoga therapy, Yoga & Mudra demonstrations, Art of living demonstration, bhajans, Orthopedic and physiotherapy consultations, wellness campaigns, gynecological camps for the middle aged women, Eye Camps, Prevention and Cure for diabetes, demonstration classes for modern banking facilities like ATM/Credit Card and Net Banking, Investment management and legal aspects of making will, cultural activities like vocal and instrumental music, children’s programs, discussion and debates on topical interest, Security of Women and channelizing funds and assistance to various organisations.
We, therefore make an appeal and request all the like-minded organizations to support our activities and join us in working for the society.
Raghavan AVS, Secretary, Email: raghavan.avs@gmail.com, scwfhyderabad@gmail.com,
Gulmohar Journalists' Colony Senior Citizens Forum
Affiliated to the Confederation of Senior Citizens Associations of Delhi, the Gulmohar Seniors Forum proposes a one-day workshop of yoga for seniors. Those interested may get contact: Subhash Saluja, Secretary. Cell: 09811939379
Confederation of Senior Citizens Associations of Delhi
Talk on Legal Awareness: Ms.Geetanjali Goel, Additional District & Session Judge and Special Secretary, Delhi State Legal Services Authority delivered a very useful talk on Legal Awareness at Recreation Centre, Green Park Extension, in which more than 200 senior citizens participated. She informed about Swabhman Parisar (A Model Day Care and Recreation Centre for Senior Citizens) established by DSLSA at Kasturba Nagar, Shahdara. She explained how senior citizens, ladies, physically handicapped can avail free lawyer and the availability of free legal aid in civil and criminal matters for those poor and marginalized senior citizens, before any authority. Legal Services are provided by Delhi State Legal Services Authority in each District, in all cases of civil nature such as property disputes, matrimonial and child custody matters, labour or service law matters, compensation in motor accident cases, consumer disputes etc., and also cases involving criminal offence and violence of fundamental rights. She also told about 11 Tribunal Courts in which any senior citizen without the help of advocate can claim a maximum maintenance allowance of Rs.10,000/- per month from their children. Moreover, they can evict their children from self-acquired property. While extending thanks to Mrs.Goel, J.R.Gupta, told that a good number of cases have already been solved by the Council even without the help of Delhi Police. The helpline number of DSLSA is 1516.
By J.R. Gupta, President, Senior Citizens Council of Delhi & Chairperson, Confederation of Senior Citizens Associations. Website:www.seniorcitizensdelhi.org & www.confederationscdelhi.com, 09810488059
Memorandum Submitted to Hon’ble Sri Thawar Chand Gehlot by Indian Society of U3As & Senior Citizens Council of Delhi
All major Senior Citizens’ Organizations in the Country lncluding IS U3A, representing intelligentia among Elders and Senior Citizens Council of Delhi (11 lakh members in NCR),in association with AISCCON the largest Confederation of Senior Citizens in India and the Anti-Corruption Academy of India, wish to jointly convey to you that senior citizens in our Country are today feeling marginalized and ignored. A sense of sheer disillusionment is creeping in. Fortunately these observations do not apply to the UT’s of Delhi and Goa where senior citizens comparatively are better looked after.
For two days the issue, ‘Socio- Economic Status of Elders & Challenges faced by them’ was extensively deliberated in an International Conference on March 12 &13, 2018, inaugurated by Hon’ble Sri Rajendra Pal Gautam, Minister for Social Welfare, Delhi Government. It was addressed by experts in the field and three learned speakers from abroad including Prof. Mukul Asher from Singapore, Prof. Roger Anusen of Ohio University, and Mr. Tom Holloway from Oxford.
The socio economic challenges faced by senior citizens were analysed; solutions of some could be identified, some of which can be handled at the community level, some require consideration at the level of our Policy Makers while some need public-private support and help of our Corporate world through CSR.
Ten of the most important challenges and solutions are presented in the following as part of this Memorandum for your kind consideration.
(For the full text, please visit our website: http://www.tarnakatimes.com & ON NEWSPLUS APP https://www.newsplusapp.com/@tarnakatimes/tarnaka-times/Ml9vxJbipSuG762zfmxhrEg)
Our addresses for Correspondence:
Dr. R.K. Garg, Secretary General, Indian Society of U3A’s,
49, Mahaveer Nagar, Sector 4, Hiran Magri, Udaipur 313002, Rajasthan. Tel: 294-2461079/ 91 9460822834