Rao V. B. J. Chelikani I. The State is for the People: When Sir Arcot Ramaswamy Mudaliar on behalf of India, along with 49 other countries signed the Charter and joined the United Nations Organisation on June 26, 1945, in San Francisco, USA, a new world order was born with the promise of lasting peace among the states. It is an appeal for ―a general international organization, based on the principle sovereign equality of all nations.‖ Since then, there are now 193 states that claim to adhere to the UN Charter. It is a declared realization t…
Dr Rao VBJ Chelikani At present, foreign policy is understood as a government's relations with other states through diplomats designated and installed abroad at high cost to keep the states friendly. The assumption is that each state acts in its best interests, and the job of the diplomats is to negotiate to convince the other states that it is not against their interests. In the course of time, out of experience, each state lists the friendly states, enemy states, and states that are enemies of enemy states. These diplomatic relations a…
Dr Rao VBJ Chelikani The other day, a regional political party member in a southern state solemnly announced, the Chief Minister sitting by his side, their candidates contesting for each constituency by name and his or her caste. In its neighbouring state, the ruling party announced acres of land for constructing buildings in the name of various castes, and to some others funds to promote their traditional professional activities. We also know that when the ministerial cabinet is formed by a ruling party, newspapers carefully analyse the ca…
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