Latest data from the Telangana Ground Water Department portends a dire situation for the state with ground water levels depleting more than ever Tarnaka Times, Hyderabad Notwithstanding the onset of monsoons in the state, albeit several days late, the rains do not auger well for denizens in Telangana. Rather, if latest studies by the Ground Water Department, are anything to go by, dry days will be the order of the day with acute water shortages foretold for the state in the coming days and months. Telangana ended the Water Year 2018-19 (June t…
A case study from JR Nagar RWA in Visakhapatnam, Andhra Pradesh Water is one of the vital components of life. The rapid pace of irrigation growth, urbanisation and industrialisation has put enormous stress on the water resources. Cumulative impact of the increase in usage of this precious natural resource has led to water scarcity in many regions of the country. Climate change has also resulted in change in the hydrologic cycle. Across the world, water is becoming scarce. The needs are increasing and the resources are dwindling. Hence, it is n…
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