Rao V. B. J. Chelikani I. The State is for the People: When Sir Arcot Ramaswamy Mudaliar on behalf of India, along with 49 other countries signed the Charter and joined the United Nations Organisation on June 26, 1945, in San Francisco, USA, a new world order was born with the promise of lasting peace among the states. It is an appeal for ―a general international organization, based on the principle sovereign equality of all nations.‖ Since then, there are now 193 states that claim to adhere to the UN Charter. It is a declared realization t…
Dr. Rao V.B.J. Chelikani Today, the states and their governments are playing havoc in the world, bringing it to the brink of a nuclear explosion in chain, which would threaten the very existence of the human species from the planet. Even without waiting for the day of total destruction, every day, the states are attacking other states causing immense human suffering and destruction as we see in Ukraine, Gaza, Syria, Myanmar, Sudan, etc. It is not for the people implicated but for the grandeur of the states and its operators. More and more sop…
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